Citing Mappy

While a dedicated paper comes out you can cite this abstract if you found mappy useful:

Penasa, L.; Pozzobon, R.; Galluzzi, V.; Brandt, C. H.; Frigeri, A.; Lucchetti, A.; Toffoli, B. D.; Naß, A.; Rossi, A. P.; Massironi, M. Mappy: A Python Plugin to Ease Geological Mapping with QGIS; SGI Trieste, 2022.

or by using the Zenodo doi 10.5281/zenodo.5233646.

Mappy has been developed for the PLANMAP-GMAP Winter School. If you found the school material and this tool useful you might consider adding an acknowledgment to your work as:

We acknowledge support from the EU’s H2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement Nº 871149 (GMAP).

Feel free to modify this statement to best suit your needs, but please remember to report the grant number Nº 871149.